
Версия: |
8.1e |
Автор: | Omniplex Ltd |
Лицензия: | Demo |
Скачать |
Цена: | $90 |
TigerTerm is a fast and accurate full colour terminal emulator packed with features yet simple to use. The high quality of TigerTerm's emulations together with its easy configuration and comprehensive user tools, make TigerTerm the ideal way for Windows users to connect to legacy and other host applications.
TigerTerm provides accurate support for the following terminal types:
VT420, VT320, VT220, VT100, VT52, SCO ANSI, Colour ANSI, Wyse 60, Wyse 50, IBM 5250, IBM 3270, Videotex
TigerTerm makes transferring files between your host system and PC easy. TigerTerm has an inbuilt FTP Client as well as support for X/Y/Z modem for transfer over serial lines. The file transfer features include built in compression and error correcting protocols as well as the ability to transfer multiple files (using TCP/IP).
TigerTerm supports both TCP/IP networks and serial communications to provide true flexibility for connecting to remote hosts. The protocols supported are:
Microsoft TCP/IP: inbuilt with Win 95/98/NT/2000.
Windows Sockets: generic TCP/IP connectivity.
Serial RS-232: speeds up to 256k with Xon/Xoff or Rts/Cts.
Modem: up to 256k, default telephone number.
Loopback: for testing.
TigerTerm has a easy-to-use graphical keyboard map and a powerful macro language.
TigerTerm includes a client/server to minimise administrative work and which features concurrent user licensing.
Знание - в действии. Эразм Роттердамский
Мать рассказывает ребенку сказку: -- Жила-была Баба-Яга. Однажды она пошла в лес за гриба- ми. Но у нее заболели ноги, закружилась голова. Села Баба-Яга отдохнуть на пенек, а тут, откуда ни возьмись,-- волк. Схватил и съел Бабу-Ягу. -- А болезни куда делись? -- спрашивает ребенок. -- С болезнями и съел.
На чужой лобок не раззевай роток!!!!