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» Time Tracking
PC On/Off Time tracking
shows the working time on your computer of the last 3 weeks graphically. PC On/Off Time works with Windows NT,2000,XP. You get an extensive evaluation of your working times and projects with the professional time tracking software Visual TimeAnalyzer
Personal Timeclock
Personal Timeclock: Tracks and reports your computer usage by project and category. It can help you with client billing, time management, and can provide the information needed at tax time to justify a deduction for business use of your computer.
Multi-user timesheet, expense reporting, billing and invoicing software accessed from browsers and WAP mobile wireless devices. Unlimited user licensing. Download a free fully functional trial version from http://www.Intekron.com/EZStreet_Download.asp .
Easy to use with a very user-friendly interface, OroTimesheet is the best software to track time on projects!
OroTimesheet allows you to keep track of the time spent on each project by your employees in your organization.
Spherical Timesheet Time Management Edition
Spherical Timesheet Time Management Edition automatically tracks PC-based work for fast, easy and accurate timesheet creation. Categorize work for easy and automatic project tracking, reduce timesheet administration, and print detailed reports.
Spherical Timesheet Project Management Edition
Spherical Timesheet Project Management Edition automatically tracks PC-based work for fast, easy and accurate timesheet creation. Single or multi-user system with project/client-based work categorization, billing, costing, and detailed printable reports.
В здании человеческого счастья дружба возводит стены, а любовь образует купол. К. Прутков
1963 год. По московской улице идет художник - абстракционист а за ним два реалиста в штатском.
Направляется несовершеннолетняя Чайкина Лиза, проживающая г.Ухватовске, ул. Лизы Чайкиной 18.