
Tri Text Tools
Версия: |
2.2 |
Автор: | Intelligence Services |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
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Цена: | $5 |
Tri Text Tools (TTT's). TTT's operate in MS-DOS command line mode to perform Text Examination and Translation tasks that would daunt even the most experienced "Windows" operators. Few WINDOWS programs have been discovered by us that offer TEXT access into entire file systems achieved by TTT's. Programs should also work fine in MS-DOS emulated systems such as IBM-AIX, Windows NT & Apple Mac. These programs are NLX, HEAD and STRINGS. NLX can change text files ordinarily used for UNIX or Apple MAC into MS-DOS usable ones. STRINGS rips sequences of text characters out of binary files so You can see their innards. HEAD gives You more! Of the front, middle or end of files. TTT's can process up to SEVERAL HUNDRED medium size files PER MINUTE on an average PC. In the case of NLX edit, backups can automatically be made to preserve original content of files. NLX handles text files of UNIX or MAC format and automatically converts their new-line sequences over to IBM-PC format in a safe and controlled manner. STRINGS can extract text from non-text files, to optionally include white-space so that the easily read portions of the files can be easily viewed. HEAD is our version of a famous UNIX utility can show certain amounts of lines at the front, middle or end of files with the added bonus that empty lines can optionally be excluded from display. Any of these utilities can be invoked from batch files to simply and automatically perform routine tasks. Each tool has many options that can be used to alter its operation such as recursive descent through a file system, multiple drive specification, data logging, display of spaces and tabs as dots and diamonds and extension of potential command-line arguments beyond the shell maximum via command-line argument files. Tri Text Tools is a Maximum Delivery software suite at NO cost to Non-Profit and Non-Government Users. If these tools are used by the government or business organisations, then these parties must contact us for conditional permission (Ethical) to purchase and use the tools.
Это ужасно тяжелая работа - ничего не делать. О. Уайльд
Преклонного возраста синьора рассказывает в кругу знакомых -- Когда я была совсем маленькой, меня сбила автомашина красивого черного цвета... -- Может, это был дилижанс? -- уточняет одна из присут- ствующих с легкой иронией.
Пиво. Причина, по которой я просыпаюсь по утрам.