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» Development Tools
» UML CASE Tools
SDE for JDeveloper (PE) for Mac OS X
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML tool tightly integrated with JDeveloper. You can draw UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence ...) in JDeveloper, generate Java code, reverse engineer Java code to class diagrams, import Rational Rose...
SDE for JDeveloper (PE) for Windows
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML plugin for JDeveloper. You can draw all types of UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence, collaboration, statechart, activity, component, deployment, object diagram) and perform textual analysis in JDeveloper...
SDE for JDeveloper (SE) for Java Platform
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML plugin for JDeveloper. You can capture requirements, perform textual analysis, draw all types of UML diagrams, reverse engineer Java to UML model, generate Java code and generate UML documents in HTML/PDF format...
SDE for NetBeans (LE) for Java Platform
SDE for NetBeans is a UML CASE tool tightly integrated with NetBeans. You can draw UML diagrams (use case, class, sequence ...) in NetBeans, reverse engineer Java code to class diagrams, generate Java code, import Rational Rose...
SDE for NetBeans (CE) for Windows
SDE for NetBeans is a UML CASE tool tightly integrated with NetBeans. You can draw UML diagrams in NetBeans, generate Java code from UML model, reverse engineer Java code to class diagrams, import Rational Rose project, export XMI...
SDE for NetBeans (CE) for Mac OS X
SDE for NetBeans is a UML modelling tool tightly integrated with NetBeans. You can draw all types of UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence, collaboration, state chart, activity, component, deployment, object diagram) in NetBeans...
SDE for NetBeans (CE) for Linux
SDE for NetBeans is a UML plugin for NetBeans. SDE supports the latest UML notation, reverse engineering (Java to UML model), code generation (models to Java code), import/export XMI, import Rational Rose, Microsoft Visio integration...
SDE for NetBeans (CE) for Java Platform
SDE for NetBeans is a UML CASE tool tightly integrated with NetBeans. You can perform textual analysis and draw all UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence, collaboration, state chart, activity, component, deployment) in NetBeans...
SDE for JDeveloper (SE) for Windows
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML plug-in for JDeveloper. SDE supports reverse engineering (Java code to UML model), code generation (UML model to Java code), import Rational Rose project, import/export XMI files, Microsoft Visio integration...
SDE for JDeveloper (SE) for Mac OS X
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML plug-in for JDeveloper. You can draw all types of UML diagrams (class, use case, sequence, component ...) in JDeveloper, generate Java code, reverse engineer Java code to class diagram, import Rational Rose...
Критик обязан знать все, а о прочем - догадываться. М. Пруст
Американец, англичанин и русский хвалятся прочностью свое резины. - у нас один упал с 100-го этажа, - говорит американец. - к счастью, он приземлился на ноги, подошвы спружинили, и он снова взлетел на 100-й этаж. - у нас один отплыл на корабле, - говорит англичанин. - ког- да корабль отошел от порта на 100 миль, его потянуло назад и при- тащило обратно в порт. Оказалось, что наш путешественник зацепил- ся подтяжкой за причал. - а у нас один в лифт свалился. Сам - вдребезги, а галоши целы.
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