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» Development Tools
» UML Tools
SDE for JDeveloper (SE) for Linux
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML tool tightly integrated with JDeveloper. SDE supports the latest UML notation, code generation (model to Java), reverse engineering (Java to model), import Rational Rose, import/export XMI, UML document generation...
SDE for JDeveloper (LE) for Linux
SDE for JDeveloper is a UML CASE tool tightly integrated with JDeveloper. SDE supports the latest UML notation, incremental round-trip engineering, reverse engineering (Java to model), code generation (model to Java), import Rational Rose...
SDE for Sun ONE (LE) for Windows
SDE for Sun ONE is a UML tool tightly integrated with Sun ONE. SDE supports code generation (UML model to Java code), reverse engineering (Java code to UML model), import Rational Rose, import/export XMI, Microsoft Visio integration...
Visual Paradigm for UML (Standard Edition) No Install
Visual Paradigm for UML is a powerful UML tool that runs on the most popular IDE including Visual Studio .NET, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, NetBeans, Sun ONE, JBuilder, IBM WebSphere,etc. +reverse engineering +code generation +import Rational +plugin...
Visual Paradigm for UML (Personal Edition) for Mac OS X
Visual Paradigm for UML is a UML modelling tool that supports full software lifecycle - OO analysis, OO design, coding, testing and deployment. VP-UML supports round-trip, reverse engineering, code generation, import XMI, Rational Rose, plugin, etc.
Visual Paradigm for UML (Personal Edition) for Linux
Visual Paradigm for UML is a cross-platform UML modeling tool that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. VP-UML supports all UML diagrams, reverse engineering (code to model), code generation (models to code), import Rational, MS Visio integration, etc.
Visual Paradigm for UML (Personal Edition) for Java Platform
Visual Paradigm for UML is a powerful but easy-to-use UML tool. VP-UML supports reverse engineering (code to model), code generation (models to code), import Rational, export/import XMI, report generator, MS Visio integration, plugin, template, etc.
Visual Paradigm for UML (Modeler Edition) No Install
Visual Paradigm for UML is a cross-platform UML CASE tool that runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X. VP-UML supports all UML diagrams, reverse engineering (code to model), code generation (models to code), import Rational, XMI, MS Visio integration, etc.
Visual Paradigm for UML (Modeler Edition) for Windows
Visual Paradigm for UML is an easy-to-use UML CASE tool supporting all UML diagrams - class diagram, use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, state diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram, object, package.
Visual Paradigm for UML (Modeler Edition) for Mac OS X
Visual Paradigm for UML is a powerful but easy-to-use UML tool. VP-UML supports reverse engineering for Java, XML, Dot NET dll/exe, C++, CORBA IDL, code generation, import Rational, XMI, report generator, Microsoft Visio integration, plugin, etc.
Усердие всё превозмогает! К. Прутков
В маленьком городке выступал лектор с лекцией о здоро- вом образе жизни. В частности, он утверждал, что вредно пользо- ваться резиновыми сапогами и галошами, поскольку они не дают ногам дышать и могут вызвать головную боль. Тут вскочил местный выпивоха и заявил: -- Хочу подтвердить слова лектора насчет галош, у меня дей- ствительно всегда голова болит!