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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

Uninstall Manager

  Версия: 4.20
Автор:Nokta Software Inc.
Скачать Цена:$14.95


Computer users like to install new programs perhaps from a CD or the Internet. But you just can't trust those installation programs. Sure, they'll copy a new application's essential files to the hard disk, but they'll also add files to existing directories, change .INI files, tweak the Registry, and generally litter the disk. Yes, Windows includes an Add/Remove programs applet in its Control Panel, but this applet is virtually powerless on its own. It can function only if the installation program includes an uninstall function and provides the applet with all necessary information. If the installation program is old or uncooperative, the Add/Remove Programs applet can't do a thing. Uninstall Manager is the program that lets you safely remove all unwanted files and return your system to its original state. Four products in one. Uninstaller, file monitor, registry backup restorer, temporary file cleaner. Uninstall Manager works by taking an image of the disk and registry files before software is added, and then it allows you to compare your current profile with the image and decide what to keep and what to trash. Complete uninstall solution for all Win9x/ME/2k/XP users. If you install lots of software, this is the program for you.



Люди мелкого ума чувствительны к мелким обидам, люди большого ума всё замечают и ни на что не обижаются.


Муж и жена с четырьмя детьми приехали к старухе-матери
в село. Сами подышат свежим воздухом в субботу и воскресенье,
а деток оставят на все лето.
Старуха как увидела юную орущую ораву, так и побледне-
ла. Дочь и говорит ей:
-- Баба, ты бы хоть лицо веселое сделала, будто страшно ра-
да внукам. Люди же смотрят -- пусть завидуют!


В женский монастырь со своим усталым не ходить!

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