
Universal Resource Scheduler
Версия: |
2.3 |
Автор: | Guia International |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $137.5 |
Universal Resource Scheduler, is an easy to use visual three dimensional scheduler.
The purpose of the program is to assign a User to a Resource for a specific amout of time as small as 15 minutes.
-The main components are:
1, Resources that needs to be scheduled.
These Resources can be people or things.
You can give Resources a name, Physician, Technician, Classroom, Boat etc.
2, Features that belong to a Resource.
Features can be named like: Specialty, Size, Skills, Max number of people, Equipment.
3, An Action applicable to the Resource
You can name the Action, like Reservation, Appointment, Schedule
4, User of the Resource.
Name Users like Customer, Patient, Teacher (For classrooms), Renter etc.
You can name the above under Options while in any of the two Editors.
To make things easy, this manual will generically refers to: Resources, Features, Reservation and Users.
У того, кто ничего не делает, всегда много помощников. Л. Толстой
Один портной, первый раз в жизни увидев Ниагарский водопад, воскликнул: -- Вот где можно быстро отмыть все пятна с сюртука!
Экономисты отвечают на вопросы не потому, что знают на них ответы; они отвечают потому, что их спрашивают.