V3Pro Deluxe Anti-virus
Версия: |
1.0 |
Автор: | V3Pro Deluxe Anti-virus |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
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Цена: | $29.99 |
V3Pro Deluxe is an anti-virus program that protects client machines from viruses infection under the Windows 9x, ME / NT Workstation / 2000 Professional environments. The embedded V3 Engine, a core anti-virus technology developed in Ahnlab, Inc., boasts the fastest and the most complete cleanup performance of the existing anti-virus programs by detecting and cleaning up even the most malicious viruses completely. P System Monitoring and Internet Monitoring provided in V3ProDeluxe thoroughly shuts off viruses from streaming in by monitoring all streaming paths (Internet, network, or floppy disk) of viruses in 24-hours-a-day-real-time background mode. In particular, Internet Monitoring provides detection and cleanup feature for all protocols (HTTP, FTP, E-mail (POP3 and SMTP), Telnet, and NNTP) and Internet mail formats (uuencode, BASE64, and MIME).
Сколько людей не ходило бы в церковь, если бы их видел там один Господь Бог! Ж. Пети-Сан
-- Чрезмерная воспитанность тоже к добру не приводит. Вчера водитель автобуса, в котором я ехал, увидел стоявшую в са- лоне дряхлую старушку и уступил ей свое место.
На чужой роток не расстегай порток!