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» Viewers
Aros Magic Viewer
Browse your digital camera photos or web downloads at any size supported by your monitor. Enlarge small images to reveal hidden details. Resolution-independent renditions of digital photo. Drag-and-drop support. Unicode compliance.
MYRIAD allows you to share and view all your project files safely and securely, both online and on the desktop. It is used in engineering, design, manufacturing and construction environments to enable team members to view and markup all project files
AD Picture Viewer
This is the easy-to-use and compact image viewer that allows you to view, print and organaize your image collection with ease. It supports all popular graphic formats, can view images as slide-show and has other featurs such as image descriptions.
CoffeeCup Free Icon Studio
Want to change the dull icons on your desktop? Or maybe you are a developer that needs a better icon editor that comes with your development tools? Icon studio can help you create icons for multiple sizes and color depths.
Zoom Image
Magnification viewer for JPG and GIF images on web pages that zooms in and out with a 20:1 zoom factor. Left mouse button zooms in - right mouse button zooms out. Mouse pointing controls the direction of exploration within the image.
CodedColor PhotoStudio
Powerful software to visualize / organize / edit / share / archive and print photos from your digital camera.
Share your albums through web galleries and slideshows.
Order prints online.
Opens and converts all important image files.
Picture Studio .EXE Professional
Picture Studio .EXE Professional is your ultimate imaging solution, for presentation, conversion, editing and management. Picture Studio .EXE Professional integrates SoftTech InterCorp’s most powerful imaging software into a single dynamic package.
AlbumReady is designed as a handy tool for collecting your digital photos, making album files and viewing them as a slide show. You can also create web galery & screen savers.
iVue FE - 2am Solutions introduces iVue FE (FREE Edition) version 1.0. iVueFE is a simple image viewer and translation tool with many features for both personal and Graphic Art use.
jViewer is RANWare's highly popular image viewer/browser/slideshow manager!
This single program allows you to do most of your image functions from one simple and easy to use screen.
Правда необычайнее вымысла: вымысел должен придерживаться правдоподобия, а правда в этом не нуждается. Марк Твен
-- Вы же, кума, смотрите -- никому ни слова! Это секрет! -- Да избави Бог! -- Еще раз прошу. Никому не говорите. А чтобы я была уве- рена, что вы не скажете, дам вам рубль. Вот, держите! Взяла кума рубль и побожилась, что сохранит секрет. Но- сит тот рубль день, другой, а на третий день приходит к куме и говорит со слезами на глазах: -- Возьмите, кума, назад свой рубль, но ей Богу, сил моих больше нет! Не вытерплю!
Только бы пить, да гулять, да дела не знать