
Visual Paradigm for UML (Personal Edition) for Java Platform
Версия: |
3.2 |
Автор: | Visual Paradigm |
Лицензия: | Commercial |
Скачать |
Цена: | $59 |
Visual Paradigm for UML is a professional but easy-to-use UML modeling tool that supports complete software life-cycle - analysis, design, implementation, testing and deployment. This UML CASE tool helps you build quality applications faster, better and at lower cost. You can draw all types of UML diagrams, reverse source code, generate code from class diagrams and generate documentation. This UML tool also provides plenty UML resources including UML tutorials, demos, sample projects...
VP-UML Features:
+the latest UML support (use case diagram, sequence diagram, collaboration diagram, class diagram, state diagram, activity diagram, component diagram, deployment diagram)
+OOAD support - OO analysis (OOA), OO design (OOD)
+Use case modeling (use case description, scheduling...)
+Textual analysis for identifying candidate classes, use cases, flow of events...
+CRC Card for finding objects
+Business Workflow diagram
+Incremental roundtrip engineering
+Reverse engineering - code to model, code to diagram (Java to UML models, Java to UML diagram)
+Reverse engineering XML, Dot NET dll/exe, C++, CORBA IDL
+Code Generation - generate code, model to code, diagram to code (UML to code, UML model to Java)
+Auto-synchronization between source code and diagrams
+Report generator for generating documentation to HTML/PDF
+Automatic diagram layout - rearrange classes and connectors in diagrams in different styles
+Import/export XMI
+Import Rational Rose
+Microsoft Visio Integration - drawing UML diagrams with your own shapes by using stencils from MS Visio
+Export to SVG, PNG, JPG
+Version control
+Plugin and template
+Multilingual support
Other UML Modeling Tools / UML Plugins:
Java Platform (Windows/Linux/Mac OS X):
+SDE for Eclipse
+SDE for NetBeans
+SDE for Sun ONE
+SDE for Oracle JDeveloper
+SDE for IBM WebSphere (WSAD)
+SDE for Borland JBuilder
+SDE for IntelliJ IDEA
Windows Platform:
+SDE for MS Visual Studio .NET
+More SDE...
Только свободные умы ощущают тяжесть своих цепей. Ж. Вольфром
-- Выбирайте: либо я задаю вам один сложный вопрос,-- го- ворит экзаменатор,-- либо два простых. -- Конечно, один сложный. -- Тогда ответьте, где появился первый человек? -- В Урюпинске. -- Но почему вы так думаете? -- Э-э, профессор, а это уже второй вопрос.
- ..., а кто будет портить наш великий русский язык, тот получит в рыло без базаров.