Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 3.0
Автор:Datawatch Corporation
Скачать Цена:$499


VorteXML allows users to quickly extract, transform and export valid XML from any recurring structured text data output such as reports, invoices, log files, and HTML generated from any computer system. Users can easily map extracted data to any desired DTD or Schema, ensuring valid XML and eliminating the need to use complex programming tools. VorteXML is a particularly good answer for companies looking to transform transactional data output into XML for B2B as it allows companies to spend more time improving their e-business applications and processes without worrying about how to produce the appropriate XML data from their current systems. VorteXML has an easy-to-use interface for designing extraction rules or templates. Powerful features include the ability to derive new XML content not already in existing text data files through the use of calculated fields. Filters can also be applied to the data, to limit the export to criteria the user establishes. Users can even define field types, which assists in alleviating one of the weaknesses of DTDs. Once defined, these extraction rules may be saved in a profile file for use every time someone needs to export the same report type to XML. VorteXML excels in taking the pain out of repetitive conversion tasks. The extraction rules, however, form only half of the solution. The other half is the description of the desired XML to be produced. VorteXML provides a rich user interface for defining that output structure, starting from an existing DTD or Schema. Some of the uses for VorteXML include: generating valid XML documents for B2B; moving legacy data into new databases including XML repositories; publishing legacy data on web sites; reformatting separate text/data streams into a common format for distribution; delivery of electronic bills and statements; and reconciling information from different regions and different divisions within an organization



Любовь - это стремление к сближению, вызванное видимостью красоты.
Зенон Китийский


Муж и жена вьисодят из церкви.
-- Я случайно заметила, мой дорогой, что ты бросил в круж-
ку для пожертвований пять тысяч лир.
-- Ну и что?
-- Интересно было бы знать, за какой такой грех ты дал та-
кую сумму?..


...Программисты не умирают...они теряют память...

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