Версия: |
1.1.24 |
Автор: | Steve Karas and Associates |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $59.95 |
WebMasters now you can Watch Live Hits on your WEB site from your desktop computer. Imagine knowing right this minute exactly how many visitors are on your site and which pages they are currently looking at. Sounds impossible right - but its not.
We have been in the software development business for nearly 20 years. Over the past 5 years or so it seemed like every webmaster we talked to wanted to be able to see real time hits on their site, our response was always that it was not possible. Considering the number of web site on the internet we realized there would be a huge market for this type of software. So we decided in May of 2001 to commit the resources and software programmer's necessary to develop a Windows based software program that would monitor a web site. While at that time it seemed to be a lofty goal that may not be reached we were diligent, every time we tested the program and it didn't work we kept trying. There were a two other obstacles that we were confronted with,
1. It had to be easy to use.
Solution : Make it automatic, no intervention by the user with the exception
of entering their site information
2. It had to be compatible with the users web site.
Solution : Design the program for Microsoft Front Page server extensions
since it was the most common type of software used. While WebWatcher
might work with other sites it was designed for webmasters that used
Microsoft Front Page.
On December 10, 2001 our objective was met the program was complete and was ready to be marketed.
We know what its like to purchase software from your local computer store, take it home, install it on your computer only to find out it didn't work. Sitting there in complete frustration knowing the store you purchased it at would not allow you to return it because the software had been opened. It won't happen with
Если у вас есть слезы, приготовьтесь пролить их. В. Шекспир
На перила балкона сел наркоман и упал с шестого этажа. Собралась толпа. Подходит другой наркоман: -- Эй! Чего тут у вас, в натуре? Упавший встал, отряхнулся и говорит: -- Не знаю! Сам только что подошел.
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