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» Web Authoring
Publish thumbnail based web photo galleries. Includes GPS support, built-in FTP, EXIF, program automation, copyright stamper, an HTTP Soap client, XML image descriptions, batch processing, integrated e-mailer, and more. Very easy to use. F1 help.
ReaThumbnails - thumbnails creator
Prepare images and create thumbnails for your web photo albums, thumbnail galleries and slide shows. It converts batches of images from any graphic format to JPG and PNG, edits them and creates appropriate thumbnails.
WeOnlyDo Software's wodHttpDLX is a HTTP client ActiveX control that provides easy, both high and low level access to the complete HTTP protocol. It's primary purpose is to retrieve documents and other resources from the WEB.
Word2html LT
Accurate and easy MS Word docs conversion to html with no MS Office installed. Full and fast-saved docs; character and paragraph formatting; bullets and numbered lists; tables including cell merging;foot/endnotes;fields;multilanguage documents.
Polystyle Source Code Beautifier
- Free Trial - Automatically reformat other's code in your own style! Polystyle beautifies C/C++, JSP, Perl, Java, Pascal/Delphi, C#, CSS, Cmac, Javascript, HTML, XML, PHP, and Python.
X2Net SmartBoard
X2Net SmartBoard is a powerful multi-user clipboard extender. It captures everything that passes through the clipboard as you copy/paste in all applications, stores regularly used data, and allows you to share the clip items around your network.
This is a network/server loading monitor was developed for those people who want to know all the time about network loading and want to watch loading of remote servers and network services and their availability.
XMLSpyEnterprise Edition
Altova XMLSpy 2005 Enterprise Edition is the industry standard XML development environment for modeling, editing, debugging and transforming all XML technologies, then automatically generating runtime code in multiple programming languages.
Xtreeme Search Engine Studio
Search Engine Studio automatically indexes your web site (using 4 methods e.g. HTTP crawler) and creates a professional, ultra fast search engine on your webserver or an offline search for CD-ROM / DVD. Indexes HTML (also dynamic), PDF, Office docs.
XMLSpy Home Edition
Altova XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition is a totally FREE entry level XML development tool for designing and editing XML applications. XMLSpy Home Edition supports Eclipse integration and is ideally suited for hobbyists, entry level developers, and students.
Для достижения поставленной цели деловитость нужна не менее, чем знание. П. Бомарше
-- Дружище! И чего это ты до сих пор не женился? -- Я рад бы, но не могу подобрать себе пару. -- А какую же ты ищешь? -- Я хочу, чтобы она была и богатая, и красивая, и глупая. -- О, почему так? -- А вот почему. Если не будет богатой и красивой, то я ее не захочу, а если будет умной, то она меня не захочет. Реальность!
Ввиду того, что идет ремонт парикмахерской, укладка женщин будет производиться в мужском зале.