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» Web Development
Bitrix Site Manager
The Bitrix Site Manager the technological basis to develop an up-to-date commercial web portal, corporate site of the large company or organization, information system, on-line store and other large-scale web projects.
Arclab MailMe! Pro
MailMe! Pro is an executable (CGI) for Window based webservers designed to send submissions from web page forms directly to your email account. It can be used as feedback form, user registration, survey or order form.
PHPWebQuiz is a program to solve quizzes online on the Internet or on a Intranet. It runs on a Internet server.
PHPWebQuiz has been developed to be used together with QuizPro.
Google has created a fantastic set of tools to allow you to
translate any web page from one language to another. However,
for most, it is a bit difficult to integrate into your existing site.
PAGE TRANSLATOR does all the work for you!
ezimerchant Professional
ezimerchant Professional will allow the small business owner to quickly build a web site with complete e-commerce facilities. Do you have products that you would like to sell on the Internet? ezimerchant Professional is for you!
EngInSite Perl Editor Lite
If you've used Windows programming tools like Visual Basic, Visual C++ or Delphi, EngInSite Perl Editor's IDE will be familiar to you. If not, you'll find that the visual environment can give you a dramatic productivity boost!
AllWebMenus Pro
Create cross-browser, popup, horizontal or drop-down menus,the dhtml/javascript menu builder that requires absolutely no dhtml/Javascript experience from you! Menus are fully-featured and easily linked to your web pages in only seconds!
Lightspeed popularity is spreading faster than the speed of light itself. The game is based on the rules of optics and was originally designed in a scientific research lab. It made its way out and is now conquering the world. Download it free!
Color codes are show as the cursor is moved in the ColorPix window. Cursor click displays the color code in web Hex, decimal Red, Green, Blue, and the color compliment. The ColorPix screen can be pasted from the clipboard or read from a file.
Зная, на чём стоишь, хорошо ещё понять, куда идёшь. Авессалом Подводный
-- Запомни раз и навсегда! -- говорит жена мужу.-- Если ты будешь приставать к горничной, я с тобой разведусь! -- Из-за такого пустяка? -- Ты ее разбалуешь. Пойми, такого мужа, как ты, я всегда найду, а такую горничную -- вряд ли!
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