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» Web Servers
Abyss Web Server
Abyss Web Server X1 is a free and small personal web server. It supports HTTP/1.1, CGI scripts, Server Side Includes (SSI), access control, custom error pages, and features an intuitive remote web management interface.
MyWebServer File Extractor
The MyWebServer File Extractor Un-Mimes files that were uploaded to MyWebServer. Your Web Browser uploads files in a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) format. When you upload a file using MyWebServer your file is saved in this format.
MyWebServer Link Resolver
The MyWebServer Link Resolver program allows you to place shortcuts to files into your web site.This means that the actual files do not need to be located in your web servers root directory just the shortcut to them. Keeps your files where you want.
MyWebServer URL Resolver
The MyWebServer URL Resolver program allows you to place shortcuts to web pages into your web site. This means that you don't need to know any HTML in order to easily add links and collections of links to your web site.
IPCOMServer is a Telnet server that runs on the Windows 95,98 and ME platforms. It provides the user with a direct connection between a Telnet client and a given serial port (COM1..X).
DWebPro is an application conceived for distributing dynamical web sites on CD/DVD. It's distributed under a free license for non-commercial use. It supports PHP, Perl, Python. Ruby, ASP 3.0 Classic, ASP.Net, MySQL, SQLite, Firebird and PostgreSQL.
Blue dot
Blue dot is a free GPL licensed Perl CGI tracking and web site activity measurement script which generates Apache combined style access log files. These log files can be analyzed with most standard log analysis tools.
ASP/VBA/COM ActiveX Dictionary object
Free-threaded hi-speed dictionary algorithm with unique/nonunique keys (map/multimap). Connect to another dictionary object in the same process. Lock and Unlock methods to synchronize tasks (application scope). Share ASP Application/Session objects
MyWebServer Address Monitor
The MyWebServer Address Monitor program monitors your dynamic IP address as often as every five minutes, and updates your MyWebServer 'VDNS Redirector Page' every time your IP address is changed by your ISP.
И после плохого урожая нужно сеять. Сенека Старший
Обезьяна и попугай поспорили, кто из них прекраснее и мудрее. -- Несомненно, я,-- сказала обезьяна,-- я похожа на чело- века, у меня лицо, как у него, я хожу, как он, и вообще я напоминаю человека всем своим обликом. -- Все это прекрасно,-- сказал попугай.-- Но я говорю! -- А что я делаю вот уже пять минут?! -- закричала обезьяна.
Он отвечает мне любовью секса, но не души.