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В начало » Internet » Web Surfing

PixGrabber Free

Search and download images using several image-searching engines. Download images from any sites. Gather images from the pages you visit easily. Search and delete duplicate images from database. View images from your Hard Drive or CDs

URL Capture

URL Capture is your surf assistant. It tracks all opened browser windows and saves all their addresses. All interesting pages can be saved into "packages" and restored by one mouse click on your demand or after internet connection failures.

URLy Warning

Get notified instantly when a Web Page changes. And see exactly what's changed! With URLy Warning, a pop-up window appears when a web page you're watching changes, and you'll see a visual comparison of what's been added and deleted.


WatchDog limits, protects and monitors what your users do on the computer. Limit time spent on the computer, and restrict what they can do. Block websites. Monitor applications, chatrooms and emails. Record what they type and take screen shots

Website Extractor

The Website Extractor program is conveniently designed to download Internet websites exactly the way you want them, including or excluding any parts you need or don't need (such as directory, domain and file names, types of files, their size etc.)

Total Privacy

Total Privacy is a safe and easy-to-use Windows privacy protection tool that securely deletes Internet tracks and program history information stored on your computer. Daily use protects you from unwanted data becoming permanently hidden in your PC.


Toolbar-making application that allows any person without programming experience to create own Explorer toolbars effortlessly. Features include auto-updating, scripting, comprehensive collection of IE objects (buttons, boxes, menus, etc.) and more


WordRecovery fixes corrupted Microsoft Word document files. Supports all modern file versions, including Word XP, Word 2000, Word 97, Word 95 and Word 6.0 documents. Recovers text. Restores formatting. Recovers password-protected files.

Stealth Web Page Recorder

Stealth Web Page Recorder is a simple spy software utility for web page recording. This program will be useful if you want to record e-mail messages of any Web Mail service. Also it can record contents of the password protected and HTTPS web pages.

Stop The Popup

Block pesky popups, ads, pop under & spying cookies in Netscape, Internet Explorer, and Mozilla, AOL, Opera. Can also be started manually or at windows startup or with your browser window startup. Instant Notification - Play one of many sounds.

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Легко скрыть ненависть, трудно скрыть любовь, всего труднее скрыть равнодушие.
К.Л. Берне


В день получки жена долго ожидает своего мужа. Наконец
хозяин, шатаясь, вошел во двор. Подошел к телеграфному столбу,
лежавшему у сарая, поднял его, прислонил к крыше и, взяв метр,
пробует залезть на столб. Но -- никак!
Наконец жена не выдержала.
-- Ну какого черта ты лезешь на столб?!
-- Хочу измерить его высоту,-- деловито отвечает хозяин.
-- Так разве ты не мог померять, когда он лежал на земле,
дурья твоя голова?!
-- Вот дуреха! Так то будет длина, а мне нужно знать высоту!


3 дня и 3 ночи скакал Иван Царевич, пока скакалку не отобрали

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