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» Web
Perfect Format
NOTE: Perfect Format is compatible only with Internet Explorer. Perfect Format is an HTML Component that masks, formats and validates web page input dynamically as data is entered. Perfect Format decreases development time and increases usability.
Just NavBars
Creates stylish 3D, easy to follow navigation bars for your web site. Using standard HTML image maps or JavaScript mouseover routines you can create the customized one-of-a-kind navigation bar for your web site. Use existing images for navbars too!
Constructioner Light Edition
Site management tool to create websites with configurable elements: WYSIWYG content management, pulldown menu, layouts, meta-tags, fontstyles, colors, down-/upload area, etc. All integrated with just a few clicks and without writing a line of code.
Creates button graphics for web sites and presentations. Reduces the button creation process to 6 steps, from selecting a button's style, size, color, shadow and label to choosing its final output file format. Includes over 900 button styles.
Magic Matching Color
Magic Matching Color is a tool for web developers and designers who need help in determining which color scheme to use on their projects. Magic Matching Color helps them by giving six matching colors to any given color.
Compare and Merge
Compare and Merge is a visual file comparison utility. It lets you see the differences between text files, and makes it easy to resolve these differences. For programmers, web developers, and anyone else who works with multiple revisions of files.
GoogImager Browser
Small Internet Browser for Advanced Image Search with Google search engine. You can perform Image Search more easily and comfortable using this tiny browser and powerest search engine. This is other implementation of other our program - GoogImager.
OmniChex Web
Manage info on a website in linked checklists, with browser, mobile phone or PDA. All checklists: task, to do, shopping, meetings, travel, packing, bookmark, wish, wedding registry, recipe, directions etc. Try now with a free account on omnichex.com!
WebDwarf Free
WebDwarf Free is Virtual Mechanics' easy to use drag-and-drop webpage editor. WebDwarf Free combines a word processor with spell checker, a graphics and image editor, special effects, built-in FTP to publish directly to your website and more.
Interactive Resume Builder
Makes it easy to document your career as a beautifully laid out html file with hyperlinks to skill summaries. Word/text/clipboard formats. 37% off if full license is ordered within 7 days after download. Install program immediately for details.
Жениться - это значит наполовину уменьшить свои права и вдвое увеличить свои обязанности. А. Шопенгауэр
-- Не могу понять твою непоследовательность,-- говорит жена.-- В понедельник ты с удовольствием ел бобы, во вторник ты ел их с не меньшим удовольствием... Ты ужинал бобами и в среду не без аппетита, а в четверг вечером он, видите ли, воротит от бобов нос!
...ращепляется в щепки.