
Версия: |
3.0 |
Автор: | Webroot Software,Inc |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $39.95 |
WinGuardian is a useful Windows monitoring and blocking utility designed for small businesses and institutions. This helpful tool runs completely hidden and monitors almost everything a user does on a computer. WinGuardian can keep track of what programs a user runs, log any text that is typed into a program, log all web sites that are visited, and even capture screenshots at various specified intervals. Logs can be reviewed to detect if a user is running inappropriate programs such as games or visiting web sites that your organization considers offensive. There is also an option to have WinGuardian display an acceptable use policy (AUP) on the computer screen. A user must read the AUP and then click on the AGREE button before he or she is allowed to access the Internet. If users know that their actions are being monitored, they will be deterred from using inappropriate programs or viewing inappropriate web pages. WinGuardian also has the option to "lock down" the Windows 98/Me environment so that users can only run authorized programs. Users will not be able to modify system settings (like the Windows background wallpaper) or run unauthorized software. This is useful in helping to prevent viruses and intentional or unintentional operating system changes. An additional feature of WinGuardian allows the system administrator to email out the log files to a specific email address.
Пусть молчит тот, кто дал. Пусть говорит тот, кто получил. М. Сервантес
Отец девушки говорит кандидату в зятья: -- Вы, очевидно, курите, пьете, играете в карты и погляды- ваете на женщин? -- Нет. у меня нет таких недостатков. -- Ну и плохо, очень плохо, поскольку у меня эти недостатки есть и я не хочу, чтобы моя жена постоянно ставила мне вас в пример!
Прибылью хвались а убыли берегись