WinXCopy is a Fast hassle free XCopy like command line tool (written in C#.Net).
This utility is Windows version of DOS based XCopy utility. I designed it to make copying files repeatable and pleasant experience by avoiding black color DOS boxes and batch files. It displays bare minimum info necessary, so it is amazingly fast, especially with repetitive copies.
No installation necessary. Just unzip the exe into C:\WINDOWS\ or any other folder.
Usage : Run from or create link with following format :
WinXCopy.exe [/s] [/d]
/s - This switch makes WinXCopy copy sub folders as well
/d - This switch makes WinXCopy compare the timestamp of source and destination file and copy only if the timestamp is different
Examples :
WinXCopy C:\TestFolder\*.xml C:\AnotherFolder
WinXCopy C:\FolderWithSubFolders C:\YetAnotherFolder /s /d
Note: WinXCopy automatically overwrites files if source file exists in destination
This was developed using C#.Net, so it requires .Net Framework (I use v1.1).
If you like WinXCopy, please buy it ($5 only).
А ну, познания человеческие, поглядим, кто кого! Ж.-П. Сартр
- сколько у нас всего евреев? - спрашивает Брежнев Косыгина - миллиона три - четыре. - а если мы им всем разрешим уехать, многие захотят? - миллионов десять - пятнадцать.