Windows Hider Pro
Версия: |
1.51 |
Автор: | KMiNT21 Software |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $9 |
Windows Hider will allow you to hide specified groups of windows just by pressing a single Hotkey (or a combination of Hotkeys). You have the options to specify desired Hotkeys, windows to be hidden or closed and to have the program started every time Windows starts up. Most of the time, program works in the hidden mode, not making anyone know that it is there. Nevertheless, by pressing the specified Hotkey, the options dialog can be brought up to configure Hotkeys and add new windows to the list of those that need to be hidden or killed. The program is designed to save your time while working on the Internet. It is also very useful when you need to hide something very quickly, just by pressing a HotKey. Imagine that you have a lot of Internet Explorer windows open at the same time, and for one moment you need to use some other program, but it will not be easy - whole desktop will be filled with Explorer windows. You press a Hotkey (CTRL+F12 by default) and suddenly, there are no Explorer windows on the desktop, so you can load and use your program. When you are finished, you press another Hotkey (CTRL+F10 by default) and all Explorer windows reappear. What happens if you want to use some banned/illegal program at work, e.g. chat(IRC, ICQ, etc.) or games? Our program will solve this problem as well! As soon as you see your boss, you press a HotKey and your chat programs, games will disappear at once, WITHOUT any loss of information! What if unnecessary windows that you have to close open all the time in your system? Using this program it wont be a problem anymore!
Неучи подобны бубнам: они производят большой шум благодаря своей пустоте. О.Н. Бетлингк
Однажды фермер йоркширец пахал на своем поле, и вдруг лошадь его пала прямо посредине борозды. Фермер оставил ее лежать там, где упала, а сам поспешил к своему соседу. Пого- ворили о том о сем. Уходя, йоркширец спросил: -- Ты знаешь мою белую кобылу? -- Само собой... -- Хочешь обменять на твоего гнедого? -- Добро,-- согласился сосед. -- Значит, по рукам? -- И они ударили по рукам. Тогда йоркширец заметил как бы между прочим: -- Она, стало быть, лежит на борозде в поле. Пала нынче утром, когда я пахал на ней. -- Что ж,-- сказал сосед,-- договор дороже денег... А мой гнедой пал во вторник. Шкура висит в конюшне...
Моника-Моника, поиграем в слоника