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Delphi components  

Windows Startup Manager

  Версия: 2.0
Скачать Цена:$19.99


Windows Startup Manager is powerful startup utility. It gives more memory, more power, better system stability and advanced protection tools. Easy management of startup process, system access control utilities, tweak toolsand more... KEY FEATURES: - easy control over what Windows loads during startup - can run ANY program as the ONLY thread of the system (more memory, better performance and stability) - system access control - restrict access to applications and files - helps remember important information with Reminder Features overview: OPTIMIZATION During startup Windows automatically loads many programs into memory. Some of them works in a background, some waits for user action as an icon on the taskbar. All of them uses computer's resources (memory, CPU time...) With WSM you can easily manage all these programs. Create "profiles" - groups of these programs (here called startup elements) During system startup just select which profile you want to run. PROTECTION With WSM you can restrict access to your Windows system. You can use standard password protection, but WSM delivers you an unique feature - Kids Protection System (KPS). With KPS you can create a list of items (applications, movie clips or any other documents). During startup WSM prompts for password. Without valid password it is only possible to run one item from the list. It is impossible to run anything else. TWEAKING With WSM you can run any application as the only thread of the system (even without shell such as Explorer). It gives you as much memory and other system resources as possible. It also makes system stability higher. AND MORE Reminder: This utility helps you to remember important events. You can compose short messages which will be shown during system startup. Each event can be shown every day, once a week or on a desired day.



Весьма вероятно наступление невероятного.


Муж по пьянке получил ожог. Врачи вызвали в больницу
жену и говорят:
-- Ваш муж в тяжелом состоянии. Нужна пересадка кожи.
Спасти его можете вы, если дадите свою кожу.
-- Он с меня уже три шкуры содрал! Пусть теперь своей об-


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