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WinProof is a major advance over other grammar checkers. It goes beyond simple grammar checking and it can actually proofread like a person and catch non-English constructions created by careless typing errors like typing "it" when you meant "is".
WinBlit Speedread
Speed Reading Software. An assistant for people who read lots of information daily on their PC. From Internet Explorer, Microsoft Outlook or Word just click the WinBlit icon to read web pages, e-mail or Word document using speed reading techniques.
Usher Fonts TT
Rubicon Usher Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Univers, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Tribune Fonts PS
Rubicon Tribune Fonts v1.31c. Postscript Type1 format. Times clone, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Tribune Fonts TT
Rubicon Tribune Fonts v1.31c. Standard Truetype format. Like Times, serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
Text search with Boolean and NEAR or proximity operators. ANSI/OEM search and conversion on the fly which is not unimportant since there is a lot of old DOS text around and umlauts and accents may give problems here. Sets of found files can be saved.
VK TypeHelp
Supports the input of long words or phrases and helps in recovering lost pieces of text: An assistant automatically learning contexts and suggesting text continuations which can easily be accepted by the user for automatic input to any application.
UUMerge Freeware Edition
uuMerge Freeware Edition is a command line utility that can be used either to combine multiple text files into a single text file with a separator line between the contents of each file; or alternatively extract those file later.
Usher Fonts PS
Rubicon Usher Fonts v1.31c. Postscript Type1 format. Like Univers, sans serif font, accurate and well hinted. Matching font metrics, full char set, euro symbol, kerning pairs. For laser, inkjet, typesetter to 3500 dpi. Shareware, $12.
APA Referencing Macros
APA Referencing Macros are Microsoft Word macros that will automate the referencing of papers, essays, thesis etc. written to conform to the Style as set out in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition (2001).
Ведь истинно то, что умение сохраняет имение, а имение не дает умения. Хуан Мануэль
Вначале родители заставляют ребенка ходить и говорить, а все остальное время, пока он не повзрослеет, пытаются заставить его сидеть и молчать.
Мужчина хочет только одного, женщина всего остального