
Версия: |
3.96 |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $35 |
This is a Virtual Desktop Manager for computers where STABILITY, POWER, PRODUCTIVITY and SUPPORT are very importantl!
XDESK main features are:
- QuickView
- up to 10 virtual desktops with separate settings including separate icons on each desktop, together with a smart interface (like a TaskMenu or under NT even a better Alt+Tab) so that you are not going to lose your applications on that huge space;
- fully automated install, uninstall or upgrade in a package under 900 Kbytes;
- powerful temporary or permanent rules that allow grouping programs on desktops in your personal way;
- small and non-intrusive but powerful AppBar;
- Reminders (something like a "sticky note") & Alarms (that can now even start another program);
- reliable CPU meter under both NT and 95/98 - so that you will know when something is "taking over" your computer;
- Applications AutoRestart (like saving all your desktops WITH the applications running there!);
- Memory Cleaner;
- powerful TaskList so you can take control of all the windows and processes on your system;
- windows roll-up;
- HotKeys, HotMouse, Mouse-Scrolling, Mouse-Knocking and now HotCorners (to quickly activate or disable your screen-saver)!
What is more important is that the registration comes with 12 months of FREE upgrades and FREE technical support (email-based).
Чтобы стать богатым, необходимы три вещи: ум, талант и много денег. Е. Кащеев
Для запуска спутника пятьсот миллионов китайцев образовал живую пирамиду в тысячу этажей. В последний момент пирамида раз- валилась, т.к. один на триста семнадцатом этаже плохо усвоил ци- татник Мао.
Отличный недоpогой pестоpан. Пpекpасные закуски подаются официантками в аппетитной фоpме.