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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

XMLSpy Home Edition

  Версия: 2005
Автор:Altova, Inc.
Скачать Цена:$0


Altova XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition is a totally FREE entry level XML development tool for designing and editing applications involving XML technologies. XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition is ideally suited for hobbyists, entry level developers, and students. XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition has a completely customizable user interface, including three separate views: text, browser, and Authentic view. Features include a graphical schema editor; a built in XSLT processor with text view, syntax coloring, code completion, and syntax help; and support for ASP and JSP. In addition to supporting rich XML editing capabilities, XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition gives users the opportunity to try selected features of the Altova XMLSpy 2005 Enterprise and Professional Editions on a one-feature-per-day basis. These are fully-functional, advanced features designed to accelerate the most demanding aspects of XML development. In addition, XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition supports seamless integration with Eclipse, allowing you to access the rich XML editing features of XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition directly within the Eclipse development environment. Altova XMLSpy 2005 Home Edition is offered under a FREE software license.



И саго, употребленное не в меру, может причинить вред.
К. Прутков


-- Вчера я играл в теннис с Мак-Грегором,-- рассказывает
приятелю шотландец,-- набегался, едва на ногах стою.
-- Но он же довольно слабый игрок...
-- Это верно, но у нас была одна ракетка на двоих.


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