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XMLSpy Professional Edition

  Версия: 2005
Автор:Altova, Inc.
Скачать Цена:$499


Altova XMLSpy 2005 Professional Edition is the industry leading XML development environment, providing intuitive editing views and powerful XML utilities to model, edit, transform, and debug XML technologies quickly and easily. XMLSpy 2005 Professional Edition includes the industry leading XML Schema Editor for designing, generating, converting, documenting, validating, and viewing XML Schemas. XMLSpy 2005 is fully standards compliant and includes the first production-ready implementation of the W3C XSLT 2.0 specification. It also includes a unique XSLT 1.0/2.0 debugger that allows you to step through an XSLT transformation process line-by-line and a handy XPath Analyzer that assists in the building and verifying of XPath expressions. Support for XQuery and a robust XQuery debugger allow intelligent querying of XML data while working with XML and databases. XMLSpy 2005 Professional Edition supports all popular relational databases: Microsoft Access, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, Sybase, IBM DB2, and any ADO/ODBC database. Developers can connect to a relational database, generate an XML Schema based on a database, import and export data based on database schemas, and generate databases from XML Schemas with ease. XMLSpy 2005 Professional Edition includes an API for systems integration and automation purposes that is available in COM and Java versions and lets developers access many powerful features of XMLSpy in a programmatic way. The optional integration of XMLSpy 2005 Professional Edition with Microsoft Visual Studio.NET or Eclipse allows you to seamlessly access XMLSpy 2005 editing views and XML development tools from within these popular IDEs. Altova XMLSpy 2005 Professional Edition is for the professional developer working with XML, XSLT, XPath, XQuery, and XML Schema.



При рождении совершенный человек не отличается от других. Он отличается от остальных тем, что умеет опираться на вещи.


В молодой семье ссора. Жена кричит:
-- Брось и забудь свои эгоистические привычки -- моя же-
на, моя квартира, моя зарплата... С тех пор, как я здесь и ты стал
моим мужем, есть только "наше". Кстати, что ты ищешь в моем
-- Нашу бритву,-- ответил муж.


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