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Delphi components  

Zilla WinCleaner N' Optimizer

Скачать Цена:$29


Zilla WinCleaner N' Optimizer is like having your own personal cleaning company for your WindowsВ® computer. Like a professional cleaner, the program knows exactly what kind of dirt to look for, where to find it & how to get rid of it efficiently & without damaging anything else on your PC. Has 9 easy-to-use modules that were especially designed for that but also includes an absolutely unique feature - the One-Click-Optimization!. Optimizes your complete WindowsВ® with only one click. If you use the default options, the functions "Drive Cleaner", "Registry Cleaner" and "Internet Cleaner" are executed automatically. (We have selected those features that do not require expert knowledge), Optimize your hard disk drives with Drive Cleaner : Gets rid of general redundant files, Get rid of unused or duplicate DLL files with DLL Cleaner, Cleans up leftover garbage in the WindowsВ® registry with Registry Cleaner, Cleans up the temporary files and "data trail" left by Internet surfing sessions with Internet Cleaner, Faster, smoother and snappier internet surfing with Internet Tuner by Optimizing your Internet connection for faster, more efficient performance, Get full control over the programs that start automatically with WindowsВ® with StartUp Tuner, Permantly removes files and folders so that they cannot be restored. Note: This is an advanced shredder, with multiple algorithms,so be aware before you use this feature with Data Nuker, Choose which files are associated with which program. Quick, easy and whenever you want with File Associator. With the new user interface and many new features you get an unbeatable collection of tools that make your WindowsВ® system fast, easy and safe. The Zilla WinCleaner N' Optimizer is the fantastic successor to the very popular ZillaSoft.ws programs.



Я столько видел горя от друзей И столько бед и мук омыл слезами, Что в смертный час уж лучше умереть, Чем уцелеть и снова жить с друзьями.
А. Навои


В магазине изопродукции
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- это не киса, а Семен Михалыч Буденный!!


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