Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 3.0.0
Скачать Цена:$55


eClock is wireless game or event clock that runs on a Windows 95/98/Me/2000/NT4.0/XP PC. It uses wireless RF technology to start and stop the clock. Generally, the PC that eCLOCK runs on, works in conjunction with a overhead projector to project the game clock to a wall in a large room. it also can be used outdoors on a Lap Top computer where expensive mechanical game clocks are not practical, but precision event timing is required. The RF transmitter has a working range of well over 150+ feet. This means the receiver, which is connected to a PC/Laptop can be well away from the transmitter for greater flexibility. eCLOCK can track up to 4 periods with a maximum time of 99:59 (mm:ss) per period. Period are incremented automatically. Time is reset after a period ends and 15 second has elapsed. eCLOCK also provides a blinking or scrolling marquee at the top of the LED display. LED resize themselves to the size of the screen. eCLOCKS current period and period time can be adjusted at any time during an event timing.



...умение беседы требует мало слов. Куда больше это искусство пауз.
З. Юрьев


Не учли разницу между московским и римским временем, и
покушении на папу московское радио сообщило на два часа раньше,
чем оно было совершено.


Входите..... это приятно!

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