Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 3.0.7
Автор:eZedia Inc.
Скачать Цена:$169


eZediaMX™ is easy-to-use cross-platform multimedia authoring and editing software for creating digital portfolios, storyboards, business presentations, multimedia slide shows, animations, and interactive CD-ROMs. It allows users to combine and edit all major media formats including video, graphics, animation, sound, MP3s, VRs, and text; add interactivity; and incorporate sophisticated logic elements - with no programming or scripting required. Using the latest technologies from QuickTime™, Java™, and OpenGL™, eZediaMX provides advanced capabilities such as superior media handling, and cross-platform editing and playback. Combine these capabilities with features such as movie and media masking, sound mixing and fading, text-to-speech, animation, non-destructive video editing, and full control of VRs to quickly and easily create dynamic presentations. eZediaMX combines superior media handling with intuitive logic and interactivity tools for users of any age or skill level to easily develop dynamic multimedia projects. For beginners and experts, it has never been easier to integrate multimedia at home, at school or at work. Media Handling Quickly incorporate ALL major media file formats (MOV, MP3, WAV, JPG, GIF, etc.) by simply dragging and dropping them into eZediaMX. Give any project a professional edge with full graphic transparency, smooth text, QuickTime effects, true layering, and real-time compositing. Interactivity Link media with arrows to create chain-of-event sequences or user triggered actions. Create buttons with ease to navigate between frames, files, applications, and web sites. Logic Input, collect, display, store, and calculate numerical or alphabetical data with eZediaMX's sophisticated logic elements. Add IF/ELSE and TRUE/FALSE statements without any programming or scripting.



Кто не любит одиночества - тот не любит свободы, ибо лишь в одиночестве можно быть свободным.
А. Шопенгауэр


-- Где находятся мухи зимой?
-- Не знаю, но я хотел бы, чтобы они там оставались и летом!


Eсли ваша жена - клад, то вам причитается 25%.

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