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Delphi components  


  Версия: 6.1
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pmaCalc combines a scientific calculator, binary arithmetik for programmers, and unit converter in an interesting package. In addition to a fair range of scientific functions, it has an unusual numeric stack, and a binary mode that supports decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary arithmetic, with a full complement of logical operators and bit manipulation instructions. It has7 lines: hex, oct, dec, bin, ascii, 2's compl. and roman. Each line is clickable for new data input. The others immediately reflect that data input in their respective bases. You can enter expressions by pressing buttons or by typing them in (it's advisable to take care with the syntax), and the stack offers a flexible alternative to the usual memory functions. You can use fixed,floating and sci. point modes. Other features include a Euro converter that handles all European Union currencies, 150+ Units and 500+ Convertions.



Его речь журчит, как вода в унитазе, но ничего не смывает.
Авессалом Подводный


Муж говорит жене, которая ругает его за то, что поздно
пришел домой:
-- Спи, старая! Спи и молчи!
А жена в ответ:
-- Не дождешься! Спать буду, а молчать -- никогда!


Умными мы называем людей, которые с нами соглашаются...

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