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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  

single-step goal-setting software

  Версия: 1.112
Автор:Self Evident Enterprises, LLC.
Скачать Цена:$39.95


single-step motivational software will walk you through the goal-setting process one step at a time to help you define what you want out of life. It will help you learn to motivate yourself by identifying what is important to you. With daily use, single-step can help you reach your goals and overcome obstacles that have defeated you in the past. single-step starts by asking you to describe yourself as you currently see yourself. It then fixes this �image’ as a starting point for your personal growth. This starting point is then used to help you define goals for yourself and set reasonable timelines for these goals. Once the user’s goals have been defined, single-step helps you identify what motivates you personally and build motivational exercises for each of your goals. These exercises include affirmations, visualizations, and contemplations, along with simple tracking of progress. single-step also helps you to become more aware of the influence of other people in your life by allowing you to track comments and feedback from others. It also allows you to track the help that others provide along the path to reaching your goal so that you can become more aware of the web of relationships around you. Combined in an attractive, easy-to-use package, single-step motivational software is a complete system to help you get what you want from your life!



Рубль добудешь, ну, полтину пропьешь, полтину пробуянишь. Всего и барышу, что голова болит.
Русская поговорка


Муж возвращается с работы и видит, что жена плачет.
-- Я испекла тебе пирожки с мясом, но когда вышла из кух-
ни, кот съел их все до единого.
Муж ее успокаивает:
Не плачь. Если с ним что-нибудь случится, я тебе куплю
еще лучшего котика.


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