
Версия: |
10166 |
Автор: | Batmore Technologies |
Лицензия: | Shareware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $15 |
spamBat is the low cost spam solution eliminating it before you download it to your PC and without the complicated filter creation, maintenance and false positive failures of ordinary spam filter applications. Easy to install and no ongoing maintenance required, works with any POP3 email account. No need to change your current email application, supports Outlook Express, Eudora, Netscape Messenger and Outlook 97/98/2000.
spamBat has many options that help to protect you from viruses and other annoyances, for example spamBat can 'Flatten' email containing active code. This means an email that may contain a virus is altered so that the virus cannot run.
You can also block all popups while surfing. This is provided by a simple one-click process on the tray icon. By clicking the icon you are approving all Internet Explorer's currently open. Each time another window tries to open spamBat kills it and issues a quiet beep (optional) to let you know what it has done.
Знание - в действии. Эразм Роттердамский
Ночь. Супружеская спальня. Жена, засыпая, сладко улыбает- ся: "Интересно, помнит ли муженек, что завтра пятнадцатилетие на- шей свадьбы? Конечно же, помнит! И подарок уже приготовил..." Муж, засыпая, с тоской думает: "Если бы я задушил ее пятнадцать лет назад, то завтра бы меня уже выпустили. "
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