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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы
Delphi components  


  Версия: 1.0
Автор:Teebo Software Solutions
Скачать Цена:$24.95


tssTrayNotify in an ActiveX / COM component that places a clickable icon in the system tray, while providing a popup 'balloon' style tool tip that instantly provides visual feedback for your users. This makes an ideal replacement for informational message boxes because it is non-intrusive. It doesn't pop up in the middle of the screen, and it will eventually go away on it's own. This provides a more productive working environment for your users. Our component makes it simple to implement this functionality, unlike the components some of our competitors offer. All you need is a single function call to create the icon and show the balloon tip. The icon and tool tip can also be modified with a single function. Our component also provides notification of various mouse actions, such as moving, clicking, and double clicking, and provides it to you in the form of events. tssTrayNotify is simply the easiest to use tray notification component available today! - Easy to use - Short implementation time - More efficient UIs for your users - Provides a modern user interface - Four different icon styles - Multi-line text - Bold text headers - Catches mouse actions through events



Научить человека быть счастливым нельзя, но воспитать его так, чтобы он был счастливым, можно.
А.С. Макаренко


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что брошу его и уеду в Печ к маме. И Ференц всегда дает мне сто
форинтов на билет.


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