
Версия: |
1.1 |
Автор: | ImagineNation Inc |
Лицензия: | Freeware |
Скачать |
Цена: | $0 |
webPeddle is an amazingly easy way to create a storefront.
It only takes a couple of entries to two webPeddle templates
using a simple text editor and you will be selling on-line
direct from your own Web site.
webPeddle is a container application that works with your
web site by loading a text file listing products you want to
sell. The file is a mini database that you maintain and
upload to the site. No special server software is required.
The webPeddle container selects products from the list based
on keywords in links that you place anywhere you want within
the site. When a customer clicks on one of the links, the
database reader will return a selection list of relevant
products from which the customer chooses.
The selection list displays product ID's, descriptions,
thumbnail images, and unit prices. Each item in the list has
a field that lets your customer enter a desired quantity.
Selections are added to a shopping cart and prices totaled,
pending checkout.
Checkout is simple. When the customer is through shopping,
they click an "order" button that returns a form for entering
shipping instructions. When this form is sent, the customer
gets a thank you message and a confirmation e-mail. You get
an e-mail order.
You can elect to add a credit card processing module to
webPeddle by subscribing to an IAMS or an IFMS account at
ImagineNation. A module returns a credit card form after
the shipping form is submitted. When this form is submitted,
the card is processed in real time on-line and a thank you
message returned. E-mails are sent and the order details and
cc results are recorded to order logs that come with these
accounts. The customer never leaves your Web site.
webPeddle is a free storefront kit. It is the latest
innovation in a line of storefront products and back office
utilities from http://ImagineNation.com More information on
webPeddle is available at http://webPeddle.com
Моя эпитафия: "Лень отняла его у нас раньше, чем смерть". А. Ривароль
-- Обычно жена устраивала мне скандалы, если я приходил домой слишком поздно. Но я отбил у нее охоту скандалить!!! -- Как это тебе удалось? -- Стал сидеть дома по вечерам...
Любовь за деньги обходится дешевле. ( автор вроде Вуди Ален )