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» 3D Graphics
Ulead COOL 3D
Ulead(R) COOL 3D(TM) 3.5 allows designers to create high-impact, animated 3D titles and graphics for output as still images, GIF animation, video or 3D Macromedia(R) Flash(TM) movies.
Ulead COOL 3D Production Studio
Ulead(R) COOL 3D(TM) Production Studio is powerful yet easy-to-use software that allows video professionals and enthusiasts to create high-impact 3D video titles, animation, effects and video shorts for movies and other applications.
Virtual Flower
Create flowers and geometrical patterns in 3D. Watch them grow or unfold. A swirling pattern of stars suddenly coalesces into a geodesic sphere with all the points gracefully touching. Files are tiny, 4 - 5 KB usually, suitable for web pages.
Xara 3D
Add impact to your web pages with top quality still and animated 3D headings, buttons and logos. With Xara3D you can create an endless variety of 3D graphics from TrueType fonts or imported 2D shapes.
Zuma Personal Edition
Zuma, Realtime Interactive Unified 3d Audio Visual Production System, Animation Software, Video Jockey, Live, Visualization, Arkaos, Dance, Rave, Media Art, Motion Graphics, Visual Authoring
Blackbox 3D MP3 Player Skinning Kit
OpenGL 3D skinnable MP3 player that exists outside of 2D windows. This kit will show you how to modify the look and feel of a 3D MP3 player that uses the Blackbox technology. The kit can also be used on other Blackbox applications.
Maelstrom is the world's finest particle-system screen saver for Windows. It uses a fully realized three-dimensional graphics engine to evolve a wide variety of themes over time, producing visual effects that are absolutely stunning.
The Octo-screensaver has 3D-rendered graphics made with POV-Ray (tm).
Cartoonish octo's move over your screen in their own typical fashion.
You can choose to let them swim over a black background or over your desktop.
The Bubbloid screensaver features a collection of 3D rendered images with bubbles floating gently over them.You can set the number and size of the bubbles. Choose a background from the included collection or load one of your own images.
Просвещенный народ легче вести, но его труднее гнать, им легче управлять, но невозможно поработить. Г. Бруэм
Грузин учит свою собаку служебным командам. Кидает палку и говорит: -- Принеси, да! Собака приносит палку. Грузин опять кидает палку: -- Принеси, да! Собака опять приносит палку. Грузин снова кидает палку: -- Принеси, да! Собака: -- Замучил, да!..