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IDAutomation ASP.NET Barcode Web Control
Easily add barcodes to ASP.NET web applications with this web control. Bar codes dynamically appear in the web browser as high quality images. Supports Linear and 2D types including Code 128, UPC, EAN, ITF, Code 39, PDF417 and DataMatrix.
ExcelEverywhere for ASP & ASP.NET
Solve your problem using Microsoft Excel, and let ExcelEverywhere generate an ASP or ASP.NET-page. Looks like and calculates like the spreadsheet. Supports 140 Excel-functions. Code-behind module for backend-integration. No Excel needed on server!
ASP.NET Auto Email
ASP.NET Auto Email is the #1 email control for ASP.NET. Create sophisticated email forms without any programming. This advanced control automatically detects all of your form fields, and even adds attachements if you have file fields in your form.
Рыба, утонувшая в воздухе. Г. Лихтенберг
Недалекий человек бил своего осла и приговаривал: -- О проклятое животное, если ты не хочешь, чтобы на тебе ездили, то зачем ты родился ослом!
Большому кораблю - большая торпеда!