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» Internet
» ASP Fusion Components
The component allows you to perform retrieve and delete mail messages from any standard POP3 server, which compiles with RFC 1939, via a web page and offer functionality that POP3 server support.
The component allows you to send mail messages through any given SMTP server according to standard SMTP protocol. It provides CC,BCC, Multiple Attachments,Embeded Images,Chinese and other languages support,sends mail in blocking and non blocking way.
The component provides you complete registry management on server.It provides complete basic registry management operations, such as Get, Set and Delete a registry value or key.It also lists all given keys and values under given registery branch.
The component allows you to perform complete Zip and Unzip management on server. Along with these basic functions it allows to delete, extract file(s) from existing zip file and can perform listing of files using listing facility.
The component provides you complete client for HTTP protocol. It allows you to perform standard get and post methods of HTTP.The component is very easy to use and is more flexible for implementing client for HTTP.
The component allows you to perform all basic LDAP operations on LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) directory servers like the Netscape Directory Server.
The component allows you to perform retrieve and delete mail messages from any standard IMAP4 server, which compiles with RFC 2060, via a web page and offer much advanced functionality that IMAP4 server supports.
The component provides you complete DSN management.It provides complete basic DSN management operations, such as Add, Configure and Remove a DSN. It also provides ListDSN for getting listing of all DSNs created under specific web site.
The component provides you complete directory management on server. It provides complete basic directory management operations, such as Create, Delete and Rename a directory. It can list all files and directories under the given directory.
The component provides you complete file management on server. It provides complete basic file management operations such as Append, Copy, Delete, Move, Read, Rename and Write a file. It also provides upload and download facility.
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