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Софт, утилиты, полезные программы, бесплатные программы


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SpyPC offers you rigorous access control to the internet, as well as certain parts of the PC. With SpyPC's surveillance functions, you can see what anyone really does on the PC. Plus, log keystrokes in chat rooms or make secret screenshots.

The Lock XP

Provides user access, Internet and system security for any computer running Windows 98 to Windows XP. All user security is group based, and configurable by the Master Administrator, and any members of the Administrators group. Password Monitoring.

Transparent Screen Lock PRO for WinNT/2000/XP/2003

Password protect your workstation or server with Transparent Screen Lock PRO while viewing programs that are running. Log file tracks invalid logons. Prevent system access via CTRL-ALT-DEL. Grant access to Adminstrators or other authenticated users


Security and encryption software utility that Helps you secure your confidential data, protect your files and folders in your Win95/98 computers.

Visual Hindsight Professional Edition

Visual Hindsight is professional-grade network camera surveillance and recording software. Monitor your home or business over the Internet with Visual Hindsight--powerful, simple to use, affordable to own.


DeviceLock gives network administrators control over which users can access what devices (floppies, serial and parallel ports, Magneto-Optical disks, CD-ROMs, USB and FireWire drives, ZIPs, Bluetooth, etc.) on a local computer.

Folder Guard XP Edition

Powerful security and access control utility for Windows XP/2000/2003 that lets you hide or password-protect files and folders, as well as restrict access to other resources. http://www.winability.com/

Panda Security Demo

Helps you keep hackers or unauthorized users away from your files, and from configuring your systems. You can prevent data from being removed from your company or computer. And you can prevent users from accessing certain Internet addresses.


Chaperone controls how and when a computer is used by defining schedules that control when the computer or individual programs can be accessed. Multiple users can be defined with different access rights.


Job Focus is a software system that limits access to a windows desktop based on pre-specified settings. Job Focus integrates with Windows, using windows-based users, groups, and other permissions.

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В жизни можно рассчитывать только на самих себя. И то не всегда.
Тристан Бернар


Продал Федор муку в городе, купил себе кожаные сапоги,
смазал дегтем и со спокойной совестью выпил городской водочки
в полное свое удовольствие. Да так, что едва вышел из города на
дорогу, что вела к селу. Но идти уже не мог и упал на дороге.
А воры тут как тут -- и сняли с него сапоги.
Утром едет мужик из села, видит -- лежит земляк.
-- Вставай, Федька!
-- Да еще рано...
-- Какое рано, уже солнце вон где!
-- Убирайся! -- сердится Федор.
-- Хм, еще и злится! Ну, Бог с тобой, валяйся, если нравится,
но хотя бы ноги убери с дороги, дай проехать. Вишь, как разлегся.
Глянул Федор на свои ноги и видит, что нет сапог, да и
-- Это не мои ноги, мои в сапогах!


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