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» Utilities
» Access Control
Folder Guard Classic Edition
Powerful security and access control utility for Windows Me/98/98SE that lets you hide or password-protect files and folders, as well as restrict access to other resources. http://www.winability.com/
BootLocker is a desktop security program that protects your computer from Windows startup. It does not allow intruders to access anything without a username and password. There is system tray support, password recovery, and locking screen saver.
KidsWatch Time Control
Time Control™ allows you to limit Internet surfing, chatting and game playing to a time and duration you are comfortable with. Schedule the number of hours each child can use the computer, per day or week. And much more…drill down for more features.
DeviceLock Me
DeviceLock Millennium Edition gives network administrators control over which users can access what removable devices (floppies, Magneto-Optical disks, CD-ROMs, ZIPs, etc.) on a local Windows 95/98/Me computer.
Folder Guard Standard
Powerful security and access control utility for Windows Me/9x and Windows XP-Home Edition that lets you hide or password-protect files and folders, as well as restrict access to other resources. http://www.winability.com/
Deskman allows you to protect desktops easily. Restrict access to system settings and keep your desktop tightly secured from a simple interface. Securing your Desktop has never been so easy.
Deskman Professional Edition
A versatile desktop security tool for home users and computer administrators alike.
COMPUTER ADMINISTRATORS require an effective tool to stop users from messing up the desktop, or to apply special security measures on a system-wide, or per-user,
Access Denied
Security program requests username and password or simple password upon boot-up and locks desktop by one mouse click. It can't be bypassed on Windows 95/98/ME. All unwanted people are kept out to your PC. Very flexible use.
Все говорят, что здоровье дороже всего, но никто этого не соблюдает. К. Прутков
Муж жалуется на жену специалисту по семейным отно- шениям: -- Она ведет дневник, в который заносит все дела и поступ- ки, вплоть до мельчайших подробностей! -- Ну и что? Многие жены ведут дневники. В этом нет ничего необычного. -- Да, но моя ведет его на неделю вперед!
Приметы. Ноздря чешется - к крестинам, губа - к орбакайтам. Стюардесса чешется - от Преснякова