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Burst through all the missions of the fierce space war in this excitingly intense action game. Upgrade your space-fighter with weapon power-ups, rocket turrets, bots and additional weapons. Encounter enemy fighters, cruisers and ground defences.

Crystal Wizard

Crystal Wizard combines addicting action with magical effects not usually seen in a puzzle game. Part logic game, part Bust-a-Move, part Tetris, and part pachinko, Crystal Wizard will keep you under its spell!


A colorfully 3D rendered maze munching (PAC MAN style) game. With 40 challenging levels to test your skills! - Nice Music & 3D Sound effects! [Contains 40 levels]

Betty's Beer Bar

Betty works in an awful bar, far away from any major city, where the most wacky and fun characters go for some beers. But her dream is to own a bar in a tropical beach. Help her raise the needed money...

Aerial Antics Demo

Aerial Antics is a fast and furious Arcade game. Testing your skills in your attempt to win a place in the Aerial Antics flying circus. 50 challenging levels and physics based gameplay give you the opportunity to become a superstar performer.

Battle Snake

Battle Snake is not classical snake game. Classical snake base in this snake game greatly combines with action shooter activity. Good luck on the way of liberation snakes from alien invaders!

Arcade Park The Matrix Edition

Arcade Park is a remix collection of the great golden oldies games. This version includes games such as Arkanoid, Asteroids, Black Shark, Digger, Lode Runner and Pac-Man. The new games will be added in the future. The game run in window mode.

Outlook Express BackUp Expert

Powerful application to keep Outlook Express accounts safe. It backup and restore messages, accounts, rules, block sender, address book, stationery & preferences for Outlook Express. It has multilanguage support and schedule feature. Download now!

Crop Designs

Crop Designs is a dynamic maze game in which the rebel chicken Lucky Chucky is chased by aliens and farmers while trying to gather feed pellets and create designs in crop fields.

ArcaMania 2

Family-fun brick-busting classic arkanoid clone with more than 100 great levels in 3 full graphic scenarios, over 30 bonuses, advanced aiming with your pad, monsters, a lot of bricks in Hi-color graphics, efects and sounds.

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Усилия на ложном пути множат заблуждения.
Ф. Бэкон


Миссис Смит решила посадить дерево около своего дома
и обратилась за советом к опытному садовнику.
-- Мне нужно такое дерево, которое не очень разрастается, но
чтобы от него было много тени. Пусть оно будет не из тех, что сбра-
сывают листву. А зимой между веток должно проглядывать солнце.
Садовник долго молчал, раздумывая.
-- Мэм,-- сказал он наконец,-- Вам не нужно дерево. Лучше
купите... зонтик.


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