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» Action
Trials of Werlin
Trials of Werlin mixes arcade-style action with mind-boggling puzzles. Immerse yourself in a fun world with Werlin as he uses magic to solve puzzles, while avoiding traps, monsters and other dangerous obstacles.
Pong Ultra Win
Pong Ultra is a freeware enhanced remake of the classic pong game. It features several new game modes, a soundtrack of 8 songs, and new maps can be downloaded from the web. Up to 4 players are supported as well as joystick control.
PongBall for HPC PPC
What do you get when you combine Pong and Pinball? Pongball for your WinCE 2.0 and better! Shareware version has 5 levels. Register for 15 levels! This install includes application for all CPU and devices.
WinMaze - The best MidiMaze II clone ever!
WinMaze is a 3D online game where you control a smiley through a 3D-maze. But instead of a 3D shooter, in WinMaze the goal is to reach a specified amount of money. The game is based on the original "MidiMaze II" for Atari ST computers by Markus Fritz
Slimy blobs
Split and repel red, green, blue, and purple blobs in this addictive action, strategy, and puzzle game. The essence of the game lies in trying out playing strategies in order to reach great scores while surviving for as long as possible.
A GREAT 3D Action-Adventure game! With a massive 50 levels in 5 episodes. This game offers long last ability as well as challenging gameplay! In this game you're Psyian from Psyworld, and your mission is to eradicate all the enemies on each level
Star Wraith: Shadows of Orion
Chose your role in a reactive dynamic story and engage in dogfight, team-vs-team, and cooperative multiplayer combat. Includes built-in mission editing, instant action, and several weapon classes. This space-sim has it all!
mud hunt
This game is essentially 'Dig-Dug' revamped for the 21st century! In this classic game, you assume the persona of Mike, a fearless mouse who digs his way through tons of sub-terrainian dirt.
Mage Bros.
Mage Bros. is a 3D side-scrolling platform game. You play as a mage and use your magic wand to defeat your enemies. It includes cooperative 2 player mode and supports analog controller.
Тот факт, что будильник не прозвенел, изменило уже много человеческих судеб. Агата Кристи
Заполнив анкету, служащий спрашивает молодую даму, сколько ей лет. -- Давайте посчитаем,-- отвечает она.-- Я вышла замуж в восемнадцать лет, мужу было тогда тридцать. Сейчас ему вдвое больше, значит, мне -- тридцать шесть.
В вихре яростных атак не расквась себе пятак. A(c).