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» Development Tools
» ActiveX Controls
Zoom ActiveX control
A Zoom control, can magnify the contents of the desktop.
- Zoom scale x (1 to 100)
- Auto/Manual zoom point
- Freeze/Unfreeze view
- Grid
- Markers
- Divisions scale of your choice
- Outputs the markers distance
- Custom colors
WysiPad 2 Browser Based HTML Editor
Alagad WysiPad 2 HTML editor for browser-based WYSIWYG HTML authoring and editing. Simply embed WysiPad 2 wherever you need to provide access to HTML formatted content. The documentation and sample files make it easy to get up and running.
Word OCX
Word OCX is a powerful ActiveX Control with over one hundred useful functions to
send data from Visual Basic to a Word document, spell check Visual Basic objects and
database tables, create labels in Word, create HTML documents and much more!
Thumbnailer ActiveX control
A Thumbnailer control, can display thumbnails from bitmaps, icons, cursors or metafiles, as
well as enhanced metafiles, JPEG, DIB, and animated or static Gif files (supports GIF87a and GIF89a formats).
Registry Pro
Registry Pro is an activeX control that gives activex and COM (dll) developers easy access to the power of windows registry programming.
MenuEx ActiveX control
A MenuEx control handles menus in Visual Basic projects
- Office XP/2003 menu styles
- Windows XP icons
- Header, Sidebar and Color items
- Custom drawn items
- Add/insert/remove items on the fly
- Unicode character
... plus more
A powerful ActiveX control supporting GIF animation, JPEG, TWAIN, PNG, TIFF, database storage, thumbnail generation, and many imaging processing operations. Extensive documentation and example code. Excellent on-line support.
Enhanced AniGif ActiveX control
An enhanced AniGif ActiveX control can display a graphic from animated or static Gif files and provides extended information about the animation.
E-Mail Expert
E-Mail Expert is an activeX control and a COM DLL for sending SMTP and MIME e-mail messages. E-Mail Expert has all the features you need to easily create a professional e-mail sending application or component. A local SMTP server is not required!
Большая часть мужчин требует от своих жен достоинств, которых сами они не стоят. Л. Толстой
Габровец встретил на улице врача и, желая получить бес- платный совет, спросил: -- Доктор, а что вы делаете, когда простынете? -- Чихаю,-- ответил врач, который тоже был коренным габровцем.
Если ты хочешь, но не можешь, значит не очень хочешь.