
В начало
» Development Tools
» ActiveX OCX
RSP Advanced Compressor OCX
ActiveX OCX to compress files using an advanced
compression scheme , it can compress better than
zlib , gzip or bzip2 , the code is optimized for
new processors , running very fast in the win32
environment , the compression engine is loaded
RSP Bzip2 Compression OCX
ActiveX OCX to compress files in the Bzip2 format , ability to pause , resume and cancel the compression execution , the compression code is loaded dinamically in the process of the software using the control
RSP CD-DA Extraction OCX
ActiveX OCX to list , test and extract audio or data from CD units and save as wav PCM files , ability to test the CD hardware , ability to extract audio ( or data! ) and save as PCM wav file , ability to report information about the CD units
RSP Encrypt OCX
ActiveX OCX to encrypt files with a very fast implementation of AES 256 bits and standard RC4
RSP MP3 OGG Vorbis Encode OCX
RSP MP3 OGG Vorbis Encode OCX 1.4.0 is an ActiveX OCX to convert wav to MP3 and OGG Vorbis format, The encode process occurs in an out-of-process environment , so , the control can have all the control over the process running
RSP Parallel Port Connection OCX
ActiveX OCX to connect two PCs using a LapLink parallel cable ( Turbo cable ) , the connection don't requires any other software installed in order to work , it can transfer files in any Windows based machine
RSP Zip Compressor OCX
ActiveX OCX to compress , uncompress , delete , test and list zip files , can handle zip files with or without passwords , the control receive information about the execution using a xml like parser to avoid possible bugs and to make it easy to use
Поблагодарим мудрую природу за то, что нужное она сделала легким, а тяжёлое - ненужным. Эпикур
- как достать черную икру - она переименована в "рыбьи яйца": десяток - рубль тридцать.
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