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PowerTools Pro for AOL
Power up and customize America Online with this versatile and feature-rich add-on for AOL. Includes IM auto-logging and Log Manager, selective IM Answering Machine, custom mail templates, customizable AOL toolbar and menus, and much more.
Remove Toolbar Buddy
Remove Toolbar Buddy is an essential tool to delete unwanted toolbars and other Internet Explorer add-ons such as buttons, menus and browser helper objects. Remove Toolbar Buddy backups configuration data so you can roll back all changes at any time.
ListGrabber Standard
ListGrabber is a contact extractor and a lead capture tool which instantly captures lists and contact information from thousands of Websites, Web Directories, Documents, spreadsheets and enters them for you into your Contact Manager / Address Book.
I.M. Frame
I.M. Frame is an addon program for AOL and Compuserve Instant Messenger, which adds much needed features to the basic AIM interface. Includes clutter-free single-window interface, auto-logging, Log Manager and more!
Доброе - это прекрасное в действии. Ж.-Ж. Руссо
- что это ты все пишешь, Петька - оперу пишу, Василий Иваныч. - а про меня там будет? - а вот опер вызовет, Василий Иваныч, - узнаешь!
А-ля Пушкин: "Не так я вас любил как вы стонали"