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» Administration
Visendo Analyzer Professional
Visendo Analyzer is designed to analyze almost any logfile, independently of the source data format. You can analyze webserver logfiles as well as databases, eventlogs or other text-sources and create useful graphical reports.
Tweaki/FileName Pro Bundle
Now you can get the award winning power and customization features of Tweaki with the file renaming options found in FileName Pro --for one low price!
Tweaki...for Power Users
Designed for *all* Windows operating systems, Tweaki is your Swiss Army knife of utilities. Configure, secure and optimize Windows, tweak Microsoft Office, validate your Internet Explorer links -and much more. Tweaki, more than just a system tweaker.
Abracadabra Instant Manual
A versatile, cost effective solution for the production of manuals and "how to" instructions for any computer based task by technical support engineers, system administrators, IT help desk staff, software trainers or anyone who manages software.
Advanced Service Manager (ASM)
Advanced Service Manager (ASM) helps manage Services on NT machines, across the enterprise from a single machine at the same time.
LollyDex Correspondence Index
LollyDex is a document management tool optimized for correspondence control. It adapts to your systems and is suitable for paper or electronic documents. Powerful and flexible search. Print reports of results. Browse through threads of replies.
Lets you navigate in drives and through folders using Windows issuing MSDOS commands on a slave DOS console.
Last 20 commands are memorized, can store 10 long command lines on 10 buttons to be launched with a click instead of typing again
Fast and easy to use random password generator. Generates different types of passwords (e. g. speakable password). Generation of "readable" passwords. Convenient use. Password mass generation: Generation of up to 10,000 passwords in a few seconds.
Intranet-in-a-box is complete Intranet solution designed specifically for small businesses.
О перипатетиках Клеанф говорил, что они похожи на лиры: звучат прекрасно, а сами себя слушать не умеют. Диоген Лаэртский
Едет Степан на телеге, а сосед ему: -- Степан, заходи ко мне, поговорим, выпьем по сто грамм... Степан остановился: -- Тпр-р-ру!.. А сосед продолжает: -- ...да дровишек напилим... Степан потянул за вожжи: -- Но-о! Заслушалась, дуреха!..
Кончил мимо - гуляй cмело. Kончил смело - гуляй мимо? Кончил - смело гуляй мимо?