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» Games
» Adventure Games
Santa's Secret Valley
A non-violent graphical adventure for the whole family. Christmas is coming, and Santa gives you the job of guarding his precious magic items: his boots, his bell and his bottomless sack. When they mysteriously vanish, it's your job to get them back!
Uncle Julius and the Anywhere Machine
Uncle Julius is trapped in another dimension and is counting on you to save him - preferably before he finishes his book! Non-violent graphical adventure in the tradition of Santa's Secret Valley. Enthralling, enlightening entertainment for all ages!
All Aboard For Santa
Non-violent graphical adventure for the whole family. Santa is stranded on an island in the Secret Valley, and you must go to the rescue. Delightful full-color scenes, dozens of challenging puzzles, an enthralling challenge for young and old alike.
Ally's Adventure Through the Glass
Allys Adventure: Through the Glass is an adventure game based on a classic work of literature. Adults and children alike will enjoy this humorous fantasy adventure. Math and science puzzles, as well as logical and lateral thinking puzzles.
Пусть о себе мнит каждый, что хочет. Овидий
Супруги купили в магазине сервиз. Жена обращается к мужу: -- Держи ребенка, а коробку с сервизом дай мне. У тебя ужас- ная привычка все выпускать из рук... Дырявые они у тебя, что ли?
Пусть лучше над тобою смеются, чем плачут.