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12Ghosts 12Gee
These Windows enhancements automate tasks and make Windows run faster and smoother. Improve your productivity with Windows, and save plenty of time with these 'gems' of easy-to-use utilities.
123Tag is an easy-to-use MP3 Tag editor and file re namer, simple to use. ID3v1 and ID3v2 Tag. Filenames changed automatically from tag information. Tag extraction from filename. Export data to file. Embedded MP3 player. Group treatments.
1st Do-It-Yourself Promotional Product Creator
Create your own personalized 3d promotional products. 3d Windows® desktop clocks can be customized with logos, images, text, sounds, pop-up alarms and website links. Distribute as useful free gifts and get constant exposure and repeat traffic.
Нации, как и индивиды, могут жить либо воруя, либо производя. Сен-Симон
В 1965 году жители Одессы обратились в ЦК с просьбой вернут Хрущева: лучше десять лет без хлеба, чем год без анекдотов.
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