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SharkVisions is an award winning 3D underwater screen saver that takes you on a scuba dive around a living reef or a sunken Spanish Galleon where you see the world's most dangerous sharks: the Great White, Mako, Tiger, and other sharks of the deep.
SS Silent Lagoon - Animated Desktop Screensaver
In its product range the Elefun Company has released a new theme "Silent Lagoon" for the Animated Desktop Wallpapers and Screensavers. At first sight you can see a cosy, lively and amazingly beautiful world of wild nature.
SS Alpine Lake - Animated Desktop ScreenSaver
High mountains with the peaks in clouds, with snow-covered tops always cause inexplicable feeling of delight and pleasure. But they help to catch philosophical mood, give calm and strong sensation of freedom.
SS Amazing Waterfall - Animated Desktop Screensaver
Have you ever sit near Amazing Waterfall? See at this miracle of a nature - Amazing Waterfall among the untouched wood! Sit down on an ancient stone that is all covered by the glue; listen to the melody of the water.
SS Autumn Sunset - Animated Desktop ScreenSaver
The EleFun Company released Autumn Sunset - a new product in the Animated Desktop Screensavers series. It will certainly please those who like sunset themes. We have managed to use 3D technology and keep perfect picture quality at the same time.
SS Butterflies - Animated Desktop ScreenSaver
The EleFun Company released Butterflies - a new product in the Animated Desktop Screensavers series. We have managed to use 3D technology and keep perfect picture quality at the same time.
SS Dragon-Fly - Free Animated Desktop Screensaver
EleFun Multimedia released Dragon-Fly - the new freeware product in the Animated Desktop Screensavers series. In this product, we have implemented a perfect combination: excellent picture quality, comparable to a photo, and elements of 3D animation.
SS Fireplace - Animated Desktop ScreenSaver
The EleFun Company released Fireplace - a new product in the Animated Desktop Screensavers series. It’s a perfect blend of highest picture quality, 3D animation and realism. The product also has built-in ambient sound.
Человек есть мера всех вещей: существующих, что они существуют, несуществующих, что они не существуют. Протагор
Рабинович переходит границу. Вдруг он видит, что его засекл советские пограничники, замечает собачьи экскременты и, присаживаясь, притворяется справляющим большую нужду. пограничники подходят. - это ведь собачье! - говорит один. - а вы разве дадите сходить по-человечески?
По настоящему счастливый мужик, это тот, кто может заработать больше денег, чем тратит его жена, а по настоящему счастливая женщина, это та, которая нашла такого мужика!