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» Antivirus Utility
Santas Workshop Screensaver
Santas elves are busy creating toys for Christmas. This gorgeous animated screensaver shows Santas workshop with a beautiful, Old World look-and-feel. Free version is fully functional, with no registration required. More features in full version.
SAT Words College
The SAT Words College prepares you (or your students) for the SAT. With engaging graphics and sound, this program takes the learner through a variety of learning scenarios with complete data tracking and high classroom usability.
Panda Antivirus Platinum
Panda Antivirus Platinum: selected as the #1 antivirus by Windows 2000 magazine. With the full version you get daily updates, protecting you from any new viruses. Works on Windows 95/98, Windows NT 3.51 & 4.0, Windows 3.x, MS-DOS and OS/2.
Благочестие, ханжество, суеверие - три разницы. К. Прутков
Директор упрекает секретаршу: -- Нельзя делать столько ошибок, печатая доклад. -- Сэр, как гласит пословица, "конь о четырех ногах и тот спотыкается". -- Совершенно верно, мисс. Но он не получает такой высо- кой зарплаты.
Каждая пипетка мечтает стать клизмой.