
В начало
» Internet
» Application Servers
MyWebServer is a free personal peer-to-peer web, file and application server.
It allows you and your associates to access areas of your computer from any
location using a standard web browser, just like any other internet web site.
MyWebServer Address Monitor
The MyWebServer Address Monitor program monitors your dynamic IP address as often as every five minutes, and updates your MyWebServer 'VDNS Redirector Page' every time your IP address is changed by your ISP.
MyWebServer File Extractor
The MyWebServer File Extractor Un-Mimes files that were uploaded to MyWebServer. Your Web Browser uploads files in a MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) format. When you upload a file using MyWebServer your file is saved in this format.
MyWebServer Link Resolver
The MyWebServer Link Resolver program allows you to place shortcuts to files into your web site.This means that the actual files do not need to be located in your web servers root directory just the shortcut to them. Keeps your files where you want.
MyWebServer URL Resolver
The MyWebServer URL Resolver program allows you to place shortcuts to web pages into your web site. This means that you don't need to know any HTML in order to easily add links and collections of links to your web site.
Природа не терпит неточностей и не прощает ошибок. Р. Эмерсон
Жена ушла от мужа. Дома она говорит матери: -- Как только я вышла из дома, раздался выстрел... Как ты думаешь, он застрелился? -- Я думаю, он открыл бутылку шампанского.
Пользуясь случкой, хочу передать минет!