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» Arkanoid
Arkanoid 4000
Arkanoid 4000 is a classic game concept placed in the absolutely new gaming environment. The game takes place inside a moving frame. A player controls the pad and can pick up various bonuses to change the gameplay dramatically.
BreakQuest is the first BreakOut with a full-fledged physics engine and advanced collision system, this allows for a completely new game experience. 100 unique scenes, music from Maniacs of Noise, never seen before power ups, 9 different weapons.
New Clash has been enhanced with more features for more hours of fun and play. In this highly addictive and ever so realistic arkanoid, you have to hit the ball with a pad to keep it within the level and destroy all bricks.
Arkanoid Games Pack!
Games pack contains four different remakes of classic Arkanoid - Sav-Arkan II, Doomball, Arkanoid 3D and Arkanoid The Virtual Isles. The main goal of the game is always the one: you breake different bricks gathering bonuses to pass level after level.
Magic Ball
Magic Ball is now includes more bonuses and contains 30 new levels – guaranteed to have you hooked up! Professional 3D graphics, studio-level sound effects, awesome original soundtrack and well-designed gameplay are at your service.
This game is an unusual remake of arkanoid game. Your goal is to destroy alien turrets to complete each level. You don't need to always deflect the plasma sphere, but you really need to evade the alien shells and missiles to survive.
Едва только дети становятся послушными, матерям становится страшно - уж не помирать ли они собрались. Р. Эмерсон
Мендель слушает сводку погоды: -- В Архангельске -- минус 20, в Киеве -- плюс 20, в Якут- ске -- минус 30, в Ташкенте -- плюс 30. -- Паразиты, что хотят, то и делают.
Ворованные куры в числе 14 голов частично погибли, частично сдохли.